Teamwork makes maintenance and service a success

Teamwork makes maintenance and service a success

To maintain your hygiene entrance, industrial washer or cleaning system properly, you need to clean it and visually check it daily. In combination with a service contract for periodic maintenance from Elpress, you can be assured of a system that works well for years.

Good maintenance and service is teamwork! That is what we see at Elpress. Our mission is to build a long-term relationship with our customers. This is because good service is not an ad hoc question, but a project of several years in which we put you and your needs as a customer at the centre. 

No in-house technical department

Many companies no longer have their technical department and this can affect the quality of maintenance of machines and systems. However, it is important that maintenance is not neglected. Insufficient or no maintenance particularly ensures that a machine or system doesn't work for as long and will also have faults and defects more often. With our maintenance contracts, we deal with a lot of these concerns for you and we guarantee you that your system works optimally. 


However, we can only give this guarantee if we work together with you as a team: you as a customer ensure the daily cleaning and a visual check of your machine or system, and we ensure the periodic preventive maintenance and provide servicing when you cannot solve any fault or defect yourself. In the meantime, this teamwork has often proven itself. Many of Elpress's customers have systems that have been going for 25 years and are still in a very good condition, due to good daily and periodic maintenance. And, of course, we are proud of this. 

Tailored maintenance and service contracts

Elpress provides tailored maintenance and service contracts. We advise which type of maintenance suits your business and system, or machine and you determine how often you want periodic maintenance. For example, this can be annually, semi-annually or quarterly.

You can even choose to have your Elpress systems checked by us every month. The advantage of a such an ‘unburdening’ contract is that you (in principle) get the same service engineer every time, who knows your systems and their condition, and can build a good relationship with you.

Finally, the advantages of a maintenance and service contract from Elpress are the following:

- Extended service life of your system.

- Lower risk of faults and breakdowns of your industrial process.

- Professional, qualified and expert service engineers with a well-equipped service van.

- Guarantee that your system serves optimally.

- Guarantee that your system meets the set standards and regulations.

- Save costs in the long term.

More information

Do you want more information on a maintenance and service contract from Elpress? Then feel free to contact us – there’s no obligation. Our specialists would be pleased to advise you!

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