The right setup for good personal hygiene in the intensive livestock farming sector

Personal Hygiene Agribusiness

To realise the usage of the hygienic entrance in the right way and make it as easy as possible, it is also important to have the correct setup. The nicer and more efficiently the hygienic entrance works, the better personal hygiene can be ensured.


When coming into the hygienic entrance – that is only possible through one entrance – the setup makes it clear where the ‘walking route’ is and which actions needs to be done. This can be additionally clarified by an instruction board. With the setup in the correct order – first the changing facilities, then the shower or washbasin and the disinfection station, and finally the changing facilities with the wardrobe with clean work clothing and boots – the walking route is automatically followed in the correct way. This must also be the case on the ‘return path’: directly when coming into the laundry basket where the used work clothing can be left behind, then the shower or washbasin and the disinfection station and then the changing room when you put your own clothes on again.


With a good changing room and the correct facilities, as an agricultural business you can make a good start immediately. Not only for your visitors, but also for yourself and your employees. It is nice if the space is large enough to be able to change well. Your own clothes can easily be hung up or stowed in a wardrobe or storage and clothing cabinet. Elpress cabinets may also be locked and therefore they are ideal for storing valuable personal possessions such as a watch, jewellery, car keys, wallet and smartphone. Put a bench in the changing room to make it easier to take off your shoes. Furthermore, a waste bin or bin bag holder are to be present in the changing room. Because Elpress changing facilities are made of stainless steel, steel and/or plastic, they are simple to clean.


If no shower is present, there needs to be good facilities for washing your hands. It is important here that this is always done well, that hot water is available and that these facilities can be kept clean simply and well. For more on the hand-washing, drying and disinfecting facilities, read the blog: ‘Personal hygiene in intensive livestock farming: washing and disinfecting your hands’.


In the clean area there needs to be a storage and clothing cabinet for sufficiently clean work clothing. There is also a boot storage rack here with sufficient boots of various sizes. After coming back out of where the animals live, the boots are to be cleaned and disinfected well. Elpress has various options for this.

more information

Elpress is a specialist in the field of personal hygiene. There are different variations available from us for most provisions for a hygienic entrance, so that there is always a combination of products that fits perfectly within your hygiene management and your available budget. Do you want to know what the options are for your intensive livestock farm? Then get in touch with us for a no-obligation, tailor-made recommendation or fill in the special scan.

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