Three tips for avoiding rose diseases in the greenhouse

avoiding rose diseases in the greenhouse

As a rose grower, you will always be concerned about the introduction of rose diseases, which are often caused by mould or bacteria. With good hygiene, you can keep these culprits at bay. In this blog, Elpress gives you three tips for keeping one step ahead of rose diseases in your greenhouse.

Mildew, rust, black spot, verticillium (wilting disease) and ralstonia (brown rot) are dreaded diseases in roses. If these diseases every find their way into your greenhouses, you’ll find it difficult to get them under control. Effective combating is often not possible and a crop can essentially be considered lost. Obviously, that’s the last thing you want to cope with as a rose grower. So here are three handy tips for monitoring hygiene standards in your greenhouse as a way of preventing rose diseases.

1.Ensure good personal hygiene

Clean hands, clothes and shoes. This is very likely the first thing that springs to mind when thinking about personal hygiene. It can be achieved relatively easily by installing a hygiene lock with changing room at the entrance to the greenhouse. Having separate clothing and shoes for use in the greenhouse is obviously the best option, but cleaning and disinfecting outdoor shoes when entering the greenhouse is also an option. This is done in a hygiene lock where the hands should also be washed and disinfected at the same time. To guarantee hygiene, a turnstile, or access gateway which only opens after the hands and shoes have been washed and disinfected, can be used.

Extra points for consideration:

  • Ensure that the hygiene lock is also cleaned daily to prevent the formation of bacteria. The hygiene locks from Elpress are easy to clean thanks to being made from stainless steel, the hygienically shaped sloping top, hygienic roundings, high-quality welding, as few recesses as possible and sealed or solid pipes.
  • Not only is a clean hygiene lock important. Also think about sanitary spaces that are carefully cleaned on a daily basis!

2.Provide clean means of transport and packaging as well as tools

It is important that the crates in which the roses are transported and the pallets on which the crates are placed are extremely clean. These means of transport and packaging come from outside and can therefore bring mould and bacteria inside with them. By investing in a crate washer and pallet washer, you can wash and disinfect the crates and pallets before they enter the greenhouse and thus ensure that they are free from bacteria and mould.

Apart from the crates and pallets, it is also important that the tools used in the greenhouse – such as shears – are free from bacteria and mould. Such tools are used throughout the greenhouse and can therefore easily spread diseases. To prevent this, you can effectively clean and disinfect tools in specially designed washers.

Extra point for consideration:

  • Here again, the washer must itself be thoroughly cleaned every day to prevent the formation of bacteria. The hygienic design of the washers from Elpress ensures that the machines can be easily and effectively cleaned.

3. Enter the greenhouse only through the hygiene lock

In order to guarantee hygiene, it is important that employees and visitors are only able to access the greenhouse through the hygiene lock. Other doors that provide access to the greenhouse should therefore only be openable from inside (such as emergency exits) or locked.

Personal hygiene for greenhouse horticulture

hygiene toolkit

The best protection for your crop is good hygiene. Elpress is pleased to offer you tools to get hygiene standards in your business right and keep them that way. So download our handy toolkit with a clear hygiene protocol and tips for good hand hygiene today.

Download the toolkit here

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