More enjoyment of work and less work for good hygiene in pig farming

Personal Hygiene Agribusiness

As a pig farmer you work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Office hours? Never heard of them! Being a pig farmer is a passion, something that you have to be fully-committed to before choosing it: working with animals and entrepreneurship. Then it is so much better if you work every day with pleasure ‘at going to work’.

Healthy pigs in your sheds contribute to a high degree to your enjoyment of work and that of your employees. Thankfully, you can take several steps yourself to achieve good health of your animals. These are things such as good personal hygiene to limit as much as possible the chance of infectious germs getting into the shed from outside. And if infectious germs do get in – which may also happen through the air or drinking water, for example – with good hygiene you can prevent spread between compartments as much as possible.


How great is it to see that your animals are happy in their skin, are active and alert, and eat & drink well? After all, that is what you do as a pig farmer! As well as the fact that the health of animals combined with animal welfare is a greater good, it is also nice that you know that healthy animals provide a better business return. It cannot be denied that it makes things a bit more enjoyable.


A sick animal needs more attention. As a pig farmer, you know that better than anyone. Sick piglets in the farrowing stall need to be helped to drink and sick pigs must be given medicines. Furthermore, you have to do inspection rounds more often to monitor the condition of your sick animals and understand when that is necessary. In addition, sick animals often lead to extra pen soiling and that means extra work cleaning the pens. Having sick pigs also means that you have to spend additional time on administration. In short: healthy animals in your sheds save you a lot of working time.


Honestly know that when you see how nice it is to work with healthy animals, then the investment and time that it takes to manage good personal hygiene is actually not so difficult to achieve. Nevertheless, you know what enjoyment in work and saving work provides to you. So realising good facilities for personal hygiene and changing clothes every time, washing & disinfecting your hands and cleaning & disinfecting your boots is no big deal!


Do you want to know what the options are for your pig farm in the area of personal hygiene? Then download our special hygiene toolkit now. In this toolkit you will find more information on suitable solutions for your facility and various aids to support personal hygiene on the shop floor. 

Elpress Hygiene toolkit
Wout Spanjers

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