Improve safety on the work floor with hose reels

Improve safety on the shop floor with hose reels

Optimum safety on the shop floor is a major benefit for every business owner. Of course, the last thing you want is for your workers to come across something and then put their safety at risk. When cleaning your production rooms, you can improve safety by making use of professional hose reels.

If you don't have any hose reels available for cleaning the machines, floors and walls in your production room(s), then you are unnecessarily exposing your workers to various risks:

Risk 1. risk of tripping

Without hose reels, hoses are lying on the ground during cleaning. You can surely see that workers can easily trip over these. It may also probably happen regularly that hoses are not brought back to the hose cubicle or hung back on the hose rack after cleaning. This means hoses are still lying on the ground and also present a risk of tripping.

Risk 2. injury to hands

When you don't make use of hose reels, the hoses are continuously dragged over the ground. This provides scuffs. Hoses are also pulled around machines and can get snagged on legs or corners which may cause damage to the outer sleeve. For hoses with a steel inlay, scuffs and damage mean that the steel can be exposed. Workers may cut open their hands on the sharp steel fibres.

Risk 3. overburdening workers

This is not so much a safety aspect but it is important, because, it relates to the health of your workers: working without a hose reel means a much higher work load. There may then be a lot of lugging and dragging hoses and this demands a lot of physical effort from the worker. Furthermore, loose hoses can quickly get into curls or knots. Getting these hoses ‘untangled’ is an unnecessary burden on the wrists.

A hose reel is a justified investment

It may be clear that preventing the risks above more than justify the purchase of professional hose reels. A hose reel particularly ensures:

  • that no hoses are lying on the ground and your workers can therefore not trip over them;
  • that no damage by dragging and scuffing on the hoses can arise that causes your workers to cut open their hands;
  • that hoses do not have to be dragged and so that much less labour is needed;
  • that hoses do not get into curls and knots and the wrists of your workers do not have to be unnecessarily burdened by having to solve this again.

Is a hose reel added value in your business?

The addition of a hose reel to the cleaning installation is a solution for many businesses. Using this checklist, you can discover whether a hose reel within your cleaning installation is added value for your business!

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