Hygiene protocol at poultry farms: showering is the standard

Personal Hygiene Agribusiness

To prevent the spread of infectious germs, in the poultry farming sector, good hygiene is becoming ever more important. A good hygiene protocol ensures that bird flu (AI) – but also other infectious germs such as Salmonella, ILT and Coryzo – can be kept at bay.

Because human-animal contact is one of the greatest risks for bringing in infectious diseases, since 1 July 2019 every poultry farmer that is in possession of the certificates IKB-Kip for chicken or IKB-Ei for eggs has a shower on the facility grounds. As a result, since this date, ‘clean comings and goings’ are the standard for IKB facilities. Although it is desirable to have farm visitors shower, this will not yet be compulsory until 1 July 2028. Until this date, the poultry farmer may themselves determine which farm visitors shower or not.


Whenever a farm visitor does not shower, they have to keep strictly to the protocol for changing clothes. Suitable changing facilities need to be available for this. Located in the changing room is a washbasin with hot water, soap and disinfectant and a physical barrier (in the form of a bench or plank) between what are known as the ‘dirty’ and ‘clean’ parts.
In the dirty area, the visitor takes off their own footwear and clothing (or outer clothing), after which they step over the barrier and puts on the facility's own clothing and footwear in the clean area. An alternative to work clothing and boots are shoe covers and disposable overalls. Before entering the shed area, hands need to be washed and disinfected. Also, the usage of personal protection equipment such as a mask, hair net and disposal gloves are required.


However, showering in and out has absolute priority over all changing clothes, and washing and disinfecting hands. From 1 July 2028, for every visitor it is compulsory to shower for a minimum of 5 minutes when arriving and leaving, and to wash both body and hair with soap. Furthermore, for this date – to optimise the hygiene protocol further – what is known as a walkthrough shower is required on the facility grounds. The visitor walks through this shower facility on one side and back out on the other side, by which there is an even clearer separation between the ‘dirty’ and ‘clean’ space. In the clean room, the facility's own clothing and footwear are to be worn. Before entering the shed area, hands need to be disinfected.

Elpress Hygiene toolkit

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Do you want to know what the possibilities are for your poultry farm in the area of changing facilities, and cleaning and disinfecting hands? Then get in touch with us for a no-obligation, tailor-made recommendation that suits your budget.

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