Complying with the guidelines of the Global GAP

Global GAP is the worldwide recognised standard for the agrarian sector. This standard enables producers in this sector to certify their efforts in the areas of food safety, sustainability and quality.

Consumers are attaching increasing importance to food safety and food quality. Sustainability has also become an important keyword. The Global GAP certification is a standard specifically applied to the primary production of agricultural products destined for human consumption: crops that can be harvested by machine, vegetables and fruit, coffee, tea, meat and fish. The Global GAP standard also has a specific module for flowers and ornamental plants.

Why Global GAP?

Global GAP is an initiative of British retailers from the Euro-Retailer Produce Working Group. They work together with European supermarkets and created the Global GAP due to the increasing concern of consumers about the environment, health and working conditions in the food industry. GAP stands for Good Agricultural Practices. The Global GAP is a certification system that growers of primary products – such as fruit, vegetables and cut flowers – must abide by. The Global GAP standard now covers various agrarian sectors.

Global GAP guidelines

Global GAP places demands on the quality system of a primary producer. In order to be eligible or certification under Global GAP, the producer must meet the established guidelines in the areas of:

  • Food safety
  • Traceability of the products
  • Animal welfare
  • Health, safety and welfare of employees
  • Minimising the use of pesticides
  • Minimising agrochemical and pharmaceutical supplements

With Global GAP certification, a producer or supplier demonstrates that it abides by the above guidelines without customers (supermarkets) having to verify this themselves. Without a valid certificate, a producer is usually no longer able to supply its products.

Hygiene Selector

Hygiene Selector

Do you also want to comply with the guidelines of the Global GAP? Then take an important step by installing a hygiene lock. Do you want to know which hygiene lock layout best suits your business? Then fill in the Hygiene Selector. The areas your hygiene lock must satisfy are simply explained in five steps, directly followed by tailored, no-obligation advice.

Start the Hygiene Selector


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